Haier is a Chinese consumer electronics and home appliances company. If you have Haier air conditioner and looking for Haier customer support, Haier customer service, Haier support phone number, Haier warranty check, Haier warranty lookup or Haier AC Service Centre in Dawrpui then visit mentioned address with your Haier along with your original bill. You can also call them on below mentioned customer care number for Diakin home service in Dawrpui. Haier Air Conditioner Service Centre in Dawrpui will gives you service in Haier AC Service, Haier repair, Haier ac unit installation in Dawrpui, . Haier AC Service Center in Dawrpui will also help you to sought your technical or non technical queries about Haier product. Check out complete list of Haier AC service centres in India. We are providing you the details of Haier service centre in Mizoram, Haier customer service , Haier warranty phone number, Haier email address, Haier cell phone, Haier telephone number in Dawrpui with best Haier service centre review and Haier helpline.
Haier product service here
Haier service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier AC service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Air Conditioner service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Split AC service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Chillers service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Air Purifier service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Roof Tops service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Inverter service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Inverter Heat Pump service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Wall Mounted AC service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier ac cooler service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier central air conditioner service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier split ac installation in Dawrpui
Haier Centrifugal Chillers & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Screw Chillers service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier Fan Coil Units Service in Dawrpui
Haier Heat Reclaim Ventilation repair in Dawrpui
Haier Salubrious Air-Conditioning service & repair in Dawrpui
Haier air conditioner cleaner
Haier ac maintenance in Dawrpui
Haier window air conditioner repair
Haier air conditioning repair service
Haier room air conditioner Service & repair
Haier ac repair and maintenance
Haier Service Centre contact detail
Zoram Electronics, Near Hyundai Showroom,Zarkawat,Aizwal,Dawrpui,Mizoram,Mizoram,796001
Dawrpui, Mizoram
Landmark: Near Hyundai Showroom
Phone number: 3892310326
Email: info@haierindia.com
Opening Days: Monday to Saturday
Open timings: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Haier customer care
Haier customer care phone number : 1800-102-9999 , 1800-200-9999
Haier customer care email: info@haierindia.com
You can also call Haier Service Centre Dawrpui for Haier Not Working, Haier Not Cold, Haier Trunking condensation, Haier Gas leaking, Haier Trip power supply, Haier Fan coil, Haier water leaking, Haier Fan coil, Haier noisy Fan, Haier coil smelly, Haier Horizontal vane not working, Haier Horizontal vane broken, Haier Outdoor water leaking, Haier Outdoor unit noisy, Haier General servicing, Haier Remote control not working, Haier Remote control no display.
You can visit the mentioned place even if you are looking for contact Haier, Haier customer service, Haier tech support, Haier toll free number India. We hope the above mentioned details of Haier service centre is useful to you. If you find any wrong detail then please help us to update. Your help will be appreciated. You can post your doubts and reviews in comment box below.