Healthsense is a popular brand for health device in India. If you have Healthsense product and looking for Healthsense customer support, Healthsense customer service, Healthsense support phone number, Healthsense warranty check, Healthsense warranty lookup or Healthsense Service Centre in India then visit mentioned address with your Healthsense product along with your original bill. Healthsense Service Centre in India will gives you service in Healthsense tracker repair, Healthsense watch repair, Healthsense scale repair, Healthsense fitness tracker repair. Healthsense Service Center in India will also help you to sought your technical or non technical queries about Healthsense product. Check out complete list of Healthsense service centres in India. We are providing you the details of Healthsense service centre in India, Healthsense customer service, Healthsense warranty phone number, Healthsense email address, Healthsense cell phone, Healthsense telephone number in India with best Healthsense service centre review and Healthsense helpline.
HealthSense warrants the workmanship and all part of its product against material or workmanship defects for a year of 1 year from the date of original purchase for use. This warranty shall be effective only if the registration card is fully completed and Registration is done online or mailed to HealthSense India Owner/Service Department for registration, and applies only to the original purchaser. This warranty is null and void if the unit and or its component therein have been damaged or tampered with by improper handling, use or unauthorized repair. Repair or replacement under the warranty does not lead to any extension or renewal of the warranty period.
The warranty will be granted only if the Registration is done Online or Warranty Card is mailed within 15 days of purchase.
Healthsense Product Service Here
Healthsense service & repair in India
Healthsense band service & repair in India
Healthsense watch service & repair in India
Healthsense smartwatch service & repair in India
Healthsense scale service & repair in India
Healthsense fitness tracker service & repair in India
Healthsense battery service & repair in India
Healthsense WEIGHING SCALE service & repair in India
Healthsense PEDOMETER WATCH service & repair in India
Healthsense handles service & repair in India
Healthsense strap service & repair in India
Healthsense foot massager service & repair in India
Healthsense leg massager service & repair in India
Healthsense PEDOMETER service & repair in India
Healthsense Service Centre Address
Bright Health Care,
No 884, 2nd Main, 2nd Stage,
D Block, Rajajinagar,
Bangalore – 560010,
Karnataka (IND)
Check out complete list of Other service centres in India.
Healthsense customer care
Healthsense customer care phone number : 080 23426786, 41262836
Healthsense customer care email:
You can visit the mentioned place even if you are looking for contact Healthsense, Healthsense customer service, Healthsense tech support, Healthsense toll free number India. We hope the above mentioned details of Healthsense service centre is useful to you. If you find any wrong detail then please help us to update. Your help will be appreciated. You can post your doubts and reviews in comment box below