Q 1. What is solar energy?
Solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the sun, harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis. This type of energy generation is done in a quiet, clean, and consistent manner, making it anextraordinary renewable resource.
Q 2. How do solar photovoltaic cells work?
Photovoltaic cells are basically a P-N junction semiconductor material in which the electrons move across the cell when activated by the solar rays. The activated electrons move through the electrical circuit connected with the solar panel.
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Q 3. What is the technology used for solar harvesting?
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is used in our models. The MPPT circuits monitor the solar panel current and voltage to get the maximum amount of power that can be delivered from the PV array. MPPT controllers are more expensive, but the extra energy harvest is usually worth it.
Q 4. How do I know if solar panels will work efficiently in my home?
Before installation do check for the following:
Panels should be provided with better southern exposure (orientation facing to south direction)
Enough space for the panels to be installed without being subjected to any partial shading condition throughout a day.
Q 5. How much space do I need for a solar photovoltaic system?
Our solar power systems utilize two types of panels, 100W panel and 250W panel. 250W panels confines area of 18.00 sq. feet and the 100W panel confines 9.00 Sq. feet. DU 850 Synergy Standard model comes with three 100W panels, DU 850 Synergy model with five 100W panels, DU 1500Synergy model with four 250W panels or ten 100W panels.
Q 6. How much shading is too much for solar photovoltaic panels?
Dramatic loss in output is seen in the case of the PV modules because of shading. It is to be noted that 80% decrement is caused if the bottom row of the panel is shaded. So it is of utmost importance to place the panels near each other, while ensuring no chance of partial or complete shading during the day and through different times of the year.
Q 7. What is the optimum angle to mount the solar panels?
The optimum angle to mount the solar panels is 10 to 15 degrees.
Q 8. How long will it take to install a solar power system in my home?
If the electrical wiring in the building has been planned keeping in mind the capacity of the solar inverters then the installation process can be completed in one or two days.
Q 9. How much maintenance do solar energy panels require?
Solar photovoltaic panels require to be kept clean therefore cleaning of dust and other debris, every month is a must. Not cleaning it would reduce the sunlight introduced to the panels, efficiency of the panels and subsequently affectyour savings.
Q 10. How long can I run my appliances or electronics on solar?
This depends on how many amps your load consumes per hour and how large your battery bank is. The backup time can be calculated from Ah rating of the batteries and the power taken by the loads.
Q 11. How long does solar take to pay for itself?
It depends on a lot of things,like how much your utilities charge for power, how much sun shine you get, where you live &what the temperature in your city is, how much electricity you use and how efficient the appliances you operate are.